Terabyte has been sick the last 3 days. It's the same thing as usual, just it hasn't been this bad in a while. She last vomited 27 days before this episode. This episode started out with 2 days of lethargy and decreased appetite which I attributed to play time with her dog-cousins Cassie and Duke for three days in a row. But no. Then she started vomiting after breakfast, and couldn't stop for an hour. After vomit 4, the goo was pink and then red, so I rushed her to the vet. She vomited 8 times in an hour at home, and then nothing for the vet (you know, like your car is trouble at home but well behaved at the repair shop). So they injected anti-nausea drugs, and subcutaneous fluids, did an abdominal x-ray just to be thorough, and gave me the referral to the specialists that we've been thinking about since January. Due to the amazingly cyclical nature of her sickness, they gave me another round of de-worming (not that the previous rounds have helped, nor have any tests (blood, poo, etc) ever shown any parasites). Did you know that dogs can take pepcid and liquid imodium? Ask your vet about the dosage for your dog. So Tera's been on liquid imodium, and metaclopramide (?) antacid for three days... not that either of those have helped with the icky diarrhea. Yesterday she wouldn't eat anything at all...she just lay at my feet and hardly moved. I kept checking to see if she was breathing. Her eyes said she was really suffering. Well, today she's feeling much better...even brought me a toy to throw for her! So we have an appointment with the specialist next week. They will probably do an endoscopy to see if they can find something. Sure wish pets were covered on MY health insurance!!!
To end on a happier note (if that's possible without getting sick), this picture was emailed to me today... "Redneck Seafood"...how cute is that?!
Oh, my, you have my sympathies re: Terabyte...good luck!!
I am absolutely going to make those octo-weinies for my husband. He loves octopus and hates hot dogs, but still...that is too funny. :-)
Terabyte - get better! We're praying for you! Love and lickies from Zack and Zoie
Thank you Gwynne and Janie. Terabyte snaps back to perfect health at the end of her 5 day sickness. She's happy, eating well, playing, responsive. And she'll remain that way until her next episode in about 25 days from now.
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