Monday, January 18, 2010

The Waters Run Deep

"The Waters Run Deep" reaches back to the author's roots to reveal the enormous price his ancestors paid to live out their faith in freedom. The price they paid took a huge physical, emotional and economic toll as they fled from various countries of Europe, including Prussia and Russia, and finally to a harsh life on the raw prairies of the American mid-west in order to find this freedom. The saga reaches a climax with short stories of the author's family when they moved to California and struggled to survive the Great Depression and the World War II era, living and working together to make the vibrant faith of their forefathers their own.

With more than 100 photos and illustrations, this biography/history/genealogy story keeps you interested page after page. The author intersperes recipes and devotional thoughts throughout his excellent storytelling. I found this book to be vivid and engaging.

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