Sunday, August 31, 2008

"Plague Ship" by Clive Cussler with Jack Du Brul

I've read many Clive Cussler novels, but "Plague Ship" is my first read of an "Oregon Files" book. I enjoyed it immensely. There are several short stories woven into the overall thread of the book. First (in the Prologue) we read a short story about a WWII German plane that crashes in northern Norway on a glacier. It's lone survivor finds an ancient boat that he thinks resembles Noah's Ark. This story gets wrapped up at the very end of the book. Next we have the present-day short-story about the Oregon's crew adventures in stealing two state-of-the-art torpedos from the Iranian Navy. Near the end of the wrap-up from this subplot, we get introduced to the main story line with two subthreads: a asthma patient who survives a plague on a cruise ship, and the kidnapping of an Oregon crew member's son. These threads both lead into the main story of how to stop the Responsivists from causing the sterility of half the world's population via a virus. I thought the action was well paced and realistic enough (perhaps a bit silly at times, like a James Bond movie). I really enjoyed reading this book. And if this one isn't as good as the previous Oregon stories (according to other reviews posted here), then I am very much looking forward to reading these other books too.

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